Immediately after purchasing your travel insurance, you will receive your insurance certificate by email. This is the certificate BLS or Visametric will use to complete your Schengen VISA application.
What do we offer you ?
Europ Assistance is the world’s leading assistance and insurance company. With a network of professionals around the world, tailor-made international travel insurance offers, multilingual support and the best value for money out there, we offer you peace of mind throughout your vacation abroad. Our Schengen travel insurance cover is available for family and business travellers with no pre-screening or medical exam required. With Europ Assistance’s Schengen travel insurance, you are covered for medical expenses (up to 60,000€) and 24/7 emergency travel assistance.
Peace of mind while you travel
As a provider of international travel insurance, we offer multilingual support from logistics, medical and security experts. During stressful situations or emergencies abroad, communicating in your native language can be a source of comfort. When such a situation occurs, you can trust that a Europ Assistance expert will be there to help you 24/7 in whatever language you speak best, whether that is English, French or Spanish. With a network made up of 750,000 partners, you will not only benefit from peace of mind, but also the expertise and knowledge of medical and financial professionals who will help you whenever and wherever.
After the purchase, you can also download your certificate at any time in any of our six languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian or Chinese) simply by connecting to the customer support area on our website.